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Invisibility on Planet Cazmo

December 28, 2007

Hey guys. Did you know that you can become invisible on Planet Cazmo and even your name won’t show? Well you can! I found a penguin doing it so I just had to find out how to do it.

Here is a picture of the guy doing it.


I am still trying to find out how to do this great glitch.

Money cheat on Planet Cazmo

December 26, 2007

Hey guys it’s wwe adam. There is a cheat to get tons of money on Planet Cazmo! I will teach you how.

First, when you login to Planet Cazmo go to a room with trees, such as the outside of the garge, found on the map where it says garage.

Now click the trees in the area, if one shakes, then you have a money tree. (Sorry it was dark when I took the pictures.)


Like in the image, you should see some change fall out. Then you will see a dollar sign shortly after. Click the dollar sign multiple times and you will keep getting more and more money from it.


Tip: If the dollar sign floats away, you can just shake the tree and do it all over again as much as you want!

How to get the Ninja Suit on Planet Cazmo

December 26, 2007

Hey everyone. Adam here. I’m going to teach you how to easily become a ninja on planet cazmo!

Ok, to get the ninja suit you must first click on the little controller icon on the left side of your chat bar when logged in.


Now choose the Ninja Skateboarding game which is the third option down.

Next, you have to be sure that you need 20,000 points to get the ninja suit, but just getting the little coins on the road wont get you there quick enough before the game ends.

Join the game. Make sure you only get coins and do not hit anything else. Use the up and down arrow keys to move accross the road and spacebar to jump.


Now, you must hold downt the shift or crtl keys on your keyboard until you see the word bonus pop up really big on your screen. You must be going full speed to do this which means you must use the right arrow key to pick up the speed.

Here is what it looks like while using shift.


Here is what crtl looks like.


Keep repeating these and get the coins that come along until the end of the race and you’ll have the ninja suit in no time!

– Wwe Adam

Planet Cazmo Cheats & Glitches

December 25, 2007

Here is where our site begins. This site is by Wwe Adam adn you can click here to view my main site.